Posted Mar 04, 2022.
If you are afraid of visiting the dentist, you are not alone. It is estimated that 145,000,000 Americans avoid going to a dentist, mostly out of fear or Odontophobia as it is called. We, at Simmons Dental, understand that not everyone is comfortable visiting the dentist. Unfortunately, avoiding seeing a dentist is much more than just an inconvenience. It prevents you from getting the care you need! And with the latest evidence linking dental disease to diabetes, heart attacks and stroke, avoiding the dentist could damage your health.
Posted Feb 22, 2022.
The concern for oral hygiene dates back at least 5,000 years to ancient China and India. Many references are made for using saltwater rinses to treat gum disease as early as 2700 B.C. There is documentation during the Greek and Roman periods, by author Pliny the Elder and Hippocrates, recommending saltwater rinses to the upper classes as part of their oral hygiene routine.
Posted Jan 25, 2022.
We've all experienced the occasional discomfort of cold ice cream on teeth (usually along with brain freeze), a temporary condition that ends once our ice cream is gone. However, if your tooth routinely hurts when you breathe in - i.e. it's reacting to the cooler air - it may be caused by one of more of the following:-
Posted Dec 28, 2021.
The Japanese are famous for their inventions and discoveries. Entertainment inventions range from Walkman cassette players, CDs and Blu-Ray to anime and video games; practical inventions range from the quartz wristwatch to robotics and the bullet train. Their discoveries are no less impressive. We have the Japanese to thank for general anesthesia, Vitamin B1 and of course, the instant noodle.
Posted Nov 23, 2021.
Lots of patients share a concern about bad breath. We've all found ourselves chatting with someone whose breath could knock us over. However there are simple tips to fix this problem.
Advanced Technology with a Soft Touch
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No Scolding...No Lectures. Just A Healthy Mouth in About an Afternoon
Are your teeth crooked or crowded? Or do you have unwanted gaps or spaces between them ?
Snoring is the sound of partially obstructed breathing during sleep.